Fall Colors around Lake City

September 22, 2014  •  4 Comments

A selection of my favorite Autumn photos from the area around the town of Lake City in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado.

Uncompahgre and Wetterhorn Autumn SunriseUncompahgre and WetterhornSunlight hits the snow covered peaks of Uncompahgre, Wetterhorn, and Matterhorn during an autumn sunrise.

Uncompahgre Peak, Matterhorn Peak and Wetterhorn Peak at sunrise from Windy Point.

Slumgullion SunriseSlumgullion SunriseAutumn sunrise on Slumgullion Pass just outside of Lake City.

Sunrise up on Slumgullion Pass.

Slumgullion Pass in the FallSlumgullion Pass in the FallA freshly paved portion of Slumgullion Pass on the Silver Thread Scenic Byway east of Lake City.

Fall colors at peak and a newly paved Slumgullion Pass. Lake San Cristobal in  AutumnLake San Cristobal in Autumn

Sunset from the Lake San Cristobal Overlook.

Lake San Cristobal in AutumnLake San Cristobal in Autumn

Chapel in the ForestChapel in the ForestRedcloud Camp, Lake City, Colorado.

The first snow of the season and Camp Redcloud's Chapel.

Autumn in Capitol CityCapitol CityFall colors north of Capitol City on the Engineer Pass road.

Just west of the ghost town of Capitol City on the Engineer Pass road.

Round Top and Red MountainRound Top and Red MountainRound Top and Red Mountian rise above the Lake Fork Valley.

Early fall in the Lake Fork Valley a few miles north of town on the Silver Thread Scenic Byway.

Sunset on the Alpine RoadSunset on the Alpine Road

Sunset on the Alpine Road north of town.

Fall SunriseFall SunriseA pink autumn sunrise on Slumgullion Pass reveals the newly snow covered mountains.

Another Sunrise from the Windy Point area.

Also my 2018 Lake City and Hinsdale County Wall Calendar is available on my website here and in the Back Country Navigator, The General Store, Slumgullion Gift Gallery, San Juan Reflections in Lake City. It is also available in Gunnison at the Gunnison Gallery and Rocky Mountain Frames and Trophies.

See more landscape photos from Autumn in Colorado here-



Carolyn Y. Daniels(non-registered)
Sorry I should have proof read before sending: husbandGeorge has had over 30 years experience. I think he could at least rdtire there this next year. Your photos are sk beautiful... please let me know if you have any calendars I could buy orframed Lake City photos for my wall zi sure wish we could have met you. Those 2 1/2days went by way too fast...left my heart there. may God bless and keep you.
Carolyn Y. Daniels(non-registered)
I love your blog and picturers! I am sad to have missed coming to find you only just now for we just left Lake City yesterday. Sadly (LOL) I finally irritated my husband pining aloud to move there (we live in Pagosa) We stayed at the Gowdy apartment for 3 days and now I am lovesick for Lake City my husband George says no one would hire him at ave 65 but i think they would hes had e0 years of Law Enforcement experience so I got on internet wanting to buy Lake City photos to soothe my heart and put them on our walls ☺️
Taylor Brown(non-registered)
These are awesome pictures! Heading down that way this weekend, and am definitely going to go check out the areas you showcased here to hopefully catch some great shots!! As an new photographer always great to see some perspectives!!
Donna Sue Hudgins(non-registered)
Thanks for Sharing. I am in Germany right now and know I am missing the colors. This helps a lot! As usual, lovely shots. Do you recognize the old Beatle's song lyrics "You're getting better all the time!"
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