The Full Wolf Moon setting behind the San Juan Mountains

January 23, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

A photo of the Full Moon setting behind the peaks of Uncompahgre, Matterhorn, and Wetterhorn is one I've wanted for years. I’ve been planning it, but it’s never quite worked out due to snow, clouds, being out of town, or mainly the fact this opportunity only comes around about three days a year. It all finally came together yesterday morning though. There was a predicted 47% cloud cover and snow later on, in which Uncompahgre is usually obscured very early on, but I woke up, and saw stars through the window, and was out the door into a cold and very windy dawn. Once I arrived to the aptly named point, this was the view I was rewarded with. For the next 30 minutes, I watched the moon creep down towards the mountains as the sun rose behind me all the while trying (and failing) to not lose feeling in my hands. All was worth it, though, as I think I came away with a new favorite photo of the peaks, and I even saw a moose on the way home!

The three photos below where taken around 7:15am to 7:40am. 
Wolf Moon setting behind Uncompahgre and WetterhornWolf Moon setting behind Uncompahgre and WetterhornI’ve been planning this photo for years, but it’s never quite worked out due to snow, clouds, being out of town, or mainly the fact this opportunity only comes around about three days a year. It all finally came together yesterday morning though. There was a predicted 47% cloud cover and snow later on, in which Uncompahgre is usually obscured very early on, but I woke up, and saw stars through the window, and was out the door into a cold and very windy dawn. Once I arrived to the aptly named point, this was the view I was rewarded with. For the next 30 minutes, I watched the moon creep down towards the mountains as the sun rose behind me all the while trying (and failing) to not lose feeling in my hands. All was worth it, though, as I think I came away with a new favorite photo of the peaks, and I even saw a moose on the way home! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ prints available here

Wolf Moon setting behind Uncompahgre and Wetterhorn V2Wolf Moon setting behind Uncompahgre and Wetterhorn V2 prints available here Wolf Moon setting behind Uncompahgre and Wetterhorn V3Wolf Moon setting behind Uncompahgre and Wetterhorn V3 prints available here


Here's a terrible quality timelapse from my photo that shows the entire scene throughout the time I was up there.

Windy Sunrise

and finally the moose. Thanks for looking and feel free to share!


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